
Niche's Mediterranean beer voyage: 4th port - Gibraltar

Join us as we sail through the Mediterranean visiting breweries, meeting brewers and drinking great beer.

Our next stop on the great European tour is Gibraltar, the famous rock near Spain’s southern tip, which looms over the very mouth of the Mediterranean. Here we are meeting Glen and his colleagues from O Brewery.

Founder Glen explains how O Brewery uses local reclaimed seawater in its beers, giving a unique local spin to its beautiful beers, such as the signature Rocky Techie IPA

Gavin and Justin are the head brewers, the first Gibraltarians ever to produce their own beers here on the rock – the O Brewery being the only source of real Gib ale. The brothers are really adventurous experimenters, brewing up a whole range of surprising beers such as a pumpkin ale, an Irish red ale and a milk stout.

Freyja is an amazing, cloudy Double IPA made with US and New Zealand hops. It doesn’t just boast a supremely hoppy flavour but also packs quite a punch at 9% ABV when sampled in the middle of the afternoon!

CLICK HERE to visit our YouTube channel, and join us for the full story...


And see you at our next port of call...

Latest blogs

28th Mar 2025

Niche Solutions Pack Size Changes

Dear Niche Solutions Customers,

I am writing with news of our forthcoming change in how we supply your products. From 1st April we will be making the change to supply our products in kilograms (kg) rather than in litres (L) as we currently do.

We have taken the decision to make the change for several reasons, firstly for manual handling reasons, for instance a 25L drum of Phosphoric Acid weighs 42.22kg and a drum of Caustic 33.75kg. Whilst there are no legal limits to weight, the HSE recommends the maximum safe lifting weight is 25kg, and secondly many couriers now have a limit of 30kg per item so this has made sending single items increasingly problematic.

Also selling in kg will now make it easier for you to calculate when using the products and also will enable clear like for like pricing comparisons as it is always our aim to make life as simple as possible for our valued customers.

With this change comes price implications, whereby supplying items in smaller quantities obviously will mean a reduction in unit pricing. I have attached your new price list showing the new sizes and prices. The majority of products will now be sold in 25kg / 200kg / 1000kg quantities, with the exception of Brausol which will continue to be sold in 20kg / 200kg / 1000kg sizes, and Isopropanol (IPA) which will be sold in 20kg / 150kg sizes. Please continue to order using your usual method of either telephone 01604879831 where Gemma or myself will be happy to help, by email or via the website

We have taken the difficult decision to introduce a charge for uplifting empty 25L/25kg drums, we have provided this service free of charge for 14 year, but due to the ever increasing costs of haulage costs and other associated costs, we are unable to absorb these costs any longer. Therefore we have introduced a flat rate fee of £50.00 per pallet on all 25L/25kg drum collection requests with immediate effect. Keykeg Recycling charges will also rise to £1.50 per keg on kegs purchased from Niche (all prices exclude vat). The upside of this is the drums will be uplifted much quicker, and we aim to arrange collection within 10 working days, and much sooner in most cases.

l appreciate changes are never welcome, however I hope that these changes will make life easier for you, and you can be assured that at Niche our number one priority is, and always will be, making sure our customers receive the best service and technical back-up possible, and to make the purchasing process as simple and stress free as can be with a supplier they can rely on.

If you have any questions or require clarification on this or any other matter, please feel free to contact the Niche Team, we are here to help.

Yours faithfully

General Manager

Niche Solutions GB Ltd

The Niche Team

11th Dec 2024

Niche Solutions GB Christmas Shutdown 2024

As from 12pm Friday 22nd December our offices and factory will be closed for our annual Christmas and New Year Shutdown, this shutdown will continue until 2nd January 2025.

Orders can still be placed through our website with these being fulfilled on 2nd January onwards, alternatively orders can also be placed via our orders email

We would like to thank all of our customers for their continued support this year as we continue improve and expand our products and services offering to our customers.

On Behalf of all of the Niche Solutions Team we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year

Thank you

The Niche Team

5th Jun 2024

Introducing Our Returnable Blue Pallet System

As from 5pm Thursday 28th March our offices and factory will be closed for our annual Easter Break, this break will continue through to Tuesday 2nd April.

Orders can still be placed during this break through our website with these being fulfilled on 2nd April onwards and deliveries will be completed on Wednesday 3rd April, alternatively orders can also be placed via our orders email

Orders placed before 12pm on Wednesday 27th March will be delivered before Good Friday.

We would like to thank all of our customers for their continued support throughout the start of 2024.

On Behalf of all of the Niche Solutions Team we wish you all a Happy Easter Break

Thank you

The Niche Solutions Team